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Corrugated board and packaging producer

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ROYALPACK is a family company where we rely on the solid foundations of our business structure. The pillar of our family is trust. On the same basis, we build long-term relationships with our customers from all over the world. By full commitment to the creation of the value and the flexible and comprehensive service we offer...

we will effectively take care of the smooth development of your business.


Our care for the natural environment results from our elementary sense of responsibility for the planet on which we live. The corrugated cardboard packaging that we create for you are in line with the premise of the international strategy that aims for using less plastic packaging and more recycling of packaging materials.

All our products are FSC certified. An integral part of our environmentally sound philosophy is our modern machinery and the pro-ecological systems implemented within the production process.


The highest quality, attention to detail and innovative solutions in the field of packaging production - these are the assets of our products. Research into consumer behaviour clearly indicates that the visual experience of a potential customer has a significant impact on the process of making decisions...

about purchasing a given product from the store shelf. Ultimately, the products that are placed in carefully designed and interesting packaging are more interesting to a customer than other products. Our team and our modern machinery will enable you to generate many interesting solutions.

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